Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mission Accomplished!!!

Yuppers! I did it! I am all moved in and settled in too. How 'bout dat? I think it's pretty damn kewl.

David, Ed, Peter, Mark, Beth and I got most of the furniture here on Friday. Yesterday Rich and I moved the bureau and other items from Charlie's house after the morning meeting.


Last night, oddly enough, I fell asleep in front of the TV around 9:30ish. When I woke up around 11 I took my sorry butt straight to bed. I guess getting up at 5 AM and going to bed late on Friday along with all the work I did moving, cleaning and putting things away on Friday and Saturday had me a bit wiped out. It's a good feeling to be tired from doing all that kind of work.

My ride to church just called. I am going to toss on my coat and head out. This is her first time coming to get me (obviously, I'm at the new place). So I want to be out front so she can find me easily. Today is the annual church meeting.

I may go to the club later for Super Sunday. Of course, that depends on how I feel later. I have, after all, had a very full weekend so far. LMAO

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