Saturday, February 28, 2009

Holy Hot Air Balloon Batman!!!


I keep burping...and burping...and burping. I'm not sure where it is coming from anymore. My toes maybe? I'm 100% certain that I don't have this much room in my stomach anymore. So, where the hell is it coming from?

I've been 'off' for days...crampy and bloated and gassy, but hey, I know Mother Nature can be a real b*tch sometimes. This has been one of those times. I mean, the hormonal headache is no picnic, but it happens every so often.

Maybe having caught a cold going into this months trials and tribulations has exacerbated things. Who knows? This low-grade headache has been hanging on for days now. I would be most delighted to have it go on its merry...or not so merry...way.

Perhaps I have the beginning of a sinus infection...but I have absolutely NEVER associated burping with a sinus issue. That's a new one on me! I'll try snorting some more water again...and again...and again. I might as well do something. Horizontal is not working for me, tired though I am. My stomach is pretty messed up and unhappy and telling me all about it...from both ends right now.

I'd almost like to toss my cookies, 'cept I don't think I have any ammunition to accomplish that feat. That's a hell of a note, aint it? Of course there's that gnarly post-nasal drip...EWWWWW!

Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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