Sunday, February 8, 2009


I really have had a productive day. I got to church, to a meeting and to the laundromat.

I let Carrie use my phone to make some phone rehabs. She'll follow up tomorrow. I told her she could come back to use the phone. As much as I would like to give her a place to stay until she can find an inpatient situation for herself, I know that is not the right thing for either of us.

I was in Jewett City with Carrie when Miss Sunshine called for Carrie...on my pay as you go cell phone. It was all to get a number for a drug dealer...for Vicodin's. I just fired off a flipping email. I am sure that I will be in the dog house for my honesty...and utter lack of diplomacy. I am not going to play the "I don't know what's going on" game. I do know the score and I don't want to enable anyone's addiction. It's not my job to cosign anyone else's bullshit. Friends call friends on shit and that's what I did. It was much nicer via email than it would have been live and in person. I certainly can't make anyone else make good choices, but I also don't have to assist them in making poor choices.

Carrie tried to cover when I confronted her. I was sure it wasn't about the crack dealer but I was also sure it was about pills. I looked her in the eye and said "Bullshit, I am not stupid. I know it's about the narcotics" and she stammered and then shut up. I had hit the nail on the head. I am an addict for pete's sake. I know the drill. I know the suspicious behavior, the low tone of voice on the phone thing, the glancing up at me that says I hope she doesn't catch on to what this is about.

This disease is indeed cunning, baffling and powerful. I aint playing it. I aint playing it for me and I aint playing it for anyone else either. The disease of addiction will take me out any way it can. I don't intend to go out like that. YUP! I'm mad. I am mad at this disease. I'm pissed that it can reach in and grabbed people I care about by the throat and they will go willingly, as if hell is a pleasant destination.

I am grateful that I see the insanity, that I recognize it, that I can set boundaries to defend against it. I am grateful to be clean and sober today, to enjoy the life that I am living today. God bless the addicts that don't have that. God bless them!!!


Ann Miller said...

Good for you for taking a stand...but then I wouldn't expect anything less from you.

Some people don't have that "good parenting" voice in their heads...when you speak up to help provide that voice!

SueBear said...

Thank you...I know how that works. Once upon a time, I didn't know that my temper could ever get me in trouble and someone took the time to plant that "good parenting" voice in my head. Of course, it took me something like 6 years to hear it. I hope others are on a quicker learning curve than I was. LMAO