Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So I am sitting at this meeting (there's something unusual for me, huh? LMAO) and this person is talking about a Gratitude Bag. A Gratitude Bag? Huh? What's that I think to myself?

Well, in early sobriety my friend's sponsor suggested this thing called a gratitude bag. It is easy to construct.
1. Write out a gratitude list.
2. Get some scraps of paper.
3. Write a different item you are grateful for on each slip of paper.
4. Fill the bag.
5. When filled with self pity or negativity, pull slips of paper out of
the bag until you feel grateful.
6. Put paper back in bag for future use.
7. Always feel free to add to the bag when something new to be grateful
for comes to your mind.

Pretty neat, huh? Well, I certainly think so. I think I may make mine a GRATITUDE BOX...and I will decorate it...and celebrate that I do indeed feel so much gratitude so much of the time. Life is as good as I believe it to be. ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. ATTITUDE!!!!!!

It was a really good meeting and it reminded me that when there is half a glass of something it is my attitude that determines whether I see that glass as half full or half empty. If I focus on the positive, then I don't have time for the negatives and I certainly feel much better if I am in that positive space that only I can take me to.

Today is the day that I have been given. I shall be glad and rejoice in it.

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