Sunday, December 14, 2008


It started getting bad again last night. I should have known. Between going to the auction in a car with smokers and sitting behind the ladies at church yesterday who apparently feel the need to dive into a 55 gallon drum of perfume before going out in public...well, my breathing is rather impaired right now. Not to mention my ears are soooooooo freaking itchy I want to scream. I thought perhaps I was sick or something but my 97.5 F temperature doesn't really say sick to me. Besides, the twitching in my throat is responding quite nicely to my rescue inhaler. UGH! Well, it responds quite nicely for a little while and then I am back to square one way before I am supposed to take another dose of it.

I feel like I just can't cough like I used to do. I noticed that right after the surgery cause I was having these same symptoms two days after I got home. Back then I chocked it up to those stitches and the healing process. I still can't cough the way I used to but it was a deep, hacking, bronchitis cough back then. Now it just seems when something triggers this I just can't breathe for days till it gets better on its own though the runny nose just hasn't ever gone completely away since September. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! I am going to call my doctor tomorrow. I had to use my rescue inhaler last night and all day today so tonight I will sleep with the fool thing in my pocket so I don't have to grope in the dark for it.

I could use another dose of my inhaler, but I just took my last puffs at around 8 PM. That is only 2 hours ago. The twitching (some kind of spasm?) is back and in full swing. My throat hurts from my nonproductive, spasmodic coughing. I got to get another hobby, fer sure.

I am running my bath water, even as I type. My shower this morning felt soo wonderful. Of course, it always does. My poor aching joints don't move until I loosen them up with hot water. This morning I was breathing much easier after the steam infected my lungs but I wasn't 100% even with that. I want to sit, relax and maybe listen to some music. I feel exhausted from trying to get enough oxygen to keep my lungs happy. I'm pretty sure this is not good.

On the lighter side of things...the Xmas party at the club went off as planned. Lots of food, folks and fun. The kids had a good time. My little buddy Trevor wasn't too sure about sitting on Santa's lap so I offered to sit on one knee while he sat on the other. He managed to quit squirming till mom and grandma got some pics of us. I had a good time even if I did manage to provide fodder for future blackmail attempts. LMAO Truth be told, if I can get some copies of them, I may post those pics here and beat them to the punch line. So, keep an eye just never know with me!!!

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