Saturday, June 13, 2009


Had a lovely day yesterday. I made the morning meeting at the college. Then Mel and I went up to Worcester dallying about a while...hit a couple of thrift stores, TJ Maxx at the Greendale Mall and then off to Dunkin Donuts for a very big decaf Hazelnut coffee. We started to watch an old video that I had but I pooped out. I was tired and sooo crampy that I went to bed 'bout half way through the thing. 'Twas a well- rounded day all in all.

Now the night was another story. I was up and running to the bathroom every two of this morning I am now on hourly patrol. (I'd LOL but this aint so funny from where I sit). I have cramps...front and back. Both my hips hurt with that burning, stabbing pain and there is the weirdest sensation shooting down both legs...oh yeah, and standing totally upright just aint happening. Then there is the fact that I am flowing like flood waters rushing in New Orleans! Thank God I am on iron! Thank God!!!

I hate my ovaries this morning. I hate ALL men because you do not have ovaries. I hate women who have had hysterectomies. I hate those women who say things like, "embrace your feminine self." I hate all those women who love their menstrual cycle. I hate everyone and everything. occurs to me I just might be in a miserable mood this morning.

I want the pain to stop and acetaminophen aint cutting it. Unfortunately, that's the strongest stuff that I can take. I want to put heat AND ice on the same spots at the same time. I only own three heating pads...that aint enough. It's so hard to apply either heat or ice to some areas when one is in the fetal position. What the hell is that about...some eternal joke? On the bright side...I can get into a full fetal position. I didn't used to be able to pull that one off. See, it's not all bad.

Of course, the weight of the heating pad or the ice...or maybe it is the sensation of feeling something on the ever-sensitive so intensely unpleasant. I hate my ovaries. Have I mentioned that before? Well, let me reiterate, I really, really, really hate my ovaries this morning.

I know. I know. Some women go through this every month. What the hell is that about? If some men went through this every month...hell if one man went through this every month...there would already be a "CURE." LMAO (with tears in my eyes)

I have a plan that involves an accomplice, a weapon and surgical removal of the offending parts. The accomplice would be necessary as I could not assure the job would be done while I was under anaesthesia and I do so want the job done. S'all I'm saying is TAKE MY OVARIES....PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!!!

I am feeling so miserable that there will be no DKH meeting today. Which means I will have to get up to Putnam later to get the stuff for the CT scan later...or I will send someone. yes, that's a good plan. I can't take this pain. I am not going to be worth much of anything until this all goes away. Please let it be gone soon. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!

Oh, have I mentioned that I really, really, really, with all the sincerity at my disposal, hate my freaking ovaries? Well, you can bet good money on that fact friend!

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