Monday, October 26, 2009

Gratefully yours...

I was talking with Mel today. It's been a little while since I've put together a gratitude list. Hmm..what's that about? Well, there is only one way to correct that so here goes...

I am grateful for
...the sun and the moon and stars in the sky
...the clouds that bring rain and the ones that just drift by
...the fish and the turtles and the sea creatures of all kinds
...the beasts of the land and the birds that fly on the wind and friends who stand beside me through thick and thin
...all the people who challenge me to be the best I've ever been
...all the good times that bring a smile to my face
...even the most disconcerting times I can embrace
...the picture of the fall exploding with colors galore
...the solitude and subtle colors of winter's grandeur
...which give rise to springs rebirth in vibrant display bring summer to full bloom with nature's array the delicate features of the most fragrant of flowers
...or the sacred stillness of life in the morn's wee hours
...till the pace of time of takes off with glorious sunlight
...offering opportunity for fancy to take real flight pulses on one beat at a time
...offering experience subtle and sublime
...madness and mayhem muffled by the mundane
...serenity's victory conquers the most inane
...with the human heart echoing love and faith
...wisp of the human spirit drifting as a wraith upon countenance I know from the inside out
...what in the world would would I be ungrateful about?

Just some stray thoughts...and I think I have a poem in the midst of all that. Let's see how that plays out. NO FILM AT 11! LOL

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